Tuesday, February 26, 2013

So, you think you're hardcore... What type of gamer are you? Nov 08, 2011 7:56PM PST

So you think you're hardcore?  I am, too, or at least I thought I was.  I'm not any less-core than I used to be, but with almost 3 decades of gaming under my belt, experiencing a video game market which has grown to mammoth proportions, my opinion has changed.  Does hardcore even exist?
Perhaps proclaiming hardcority was much easier to do when the market was smaller with fewer options.  Either you played games or you didn't.  Either you thought they were cool, or you thought they were lame.
As gaming surges in popularity, so does the distinction of hardcority blur.  Skimming through popular gaming news articles reveals participants in the comments section claiming that they are hardcore, that they know what hardcore is, yet their suggestions and statements make little sense in the context of objective reality.
I once stood my ground, calling them out on their delusion right there in the comments section, but quickly realized it was futile.  Who am I to do so?  They don't know me.  Is it my right to soften their core?  Am I hardercore than they?  No, this would not work.  I had to change my tact.
I thought more deeply about it, considered myself and every gamer I know, what our gaming traits are, and how I would describe us in the context of the hardcore debate.  I, myself, have dabbled in almost every genre at one point or another and appreciate the value in each.  Is someone who tries to maintain a 2:1 kill/death ratio in Call of Duty hardcore?  How about one who "catches 'em all" in Pokémon?  Or people who befriend hundreds of strangers on Facebook to amass the largest posse in Mafia Wars?  How is that not hardcore?
After a few weeks of mulling the topic, I decided that hardcore does indeed exist, but it's not as cut and dry as it used to be.  It's complicated and multifaceted.  So to try and make sense of it I took a stab at categorizing the various types of gaming traits I've witnessed and experienced in my lifetime into a comprehensive list and form a blog out of it.  It was no easy task.  Keep in mind that more than one category may apply to any one gamer at any time, a may fluxuate throughout the duration of that gamer's existance.

The Mainstreamer
Common Traits - Plays only the best-selling, most-advertised games on the market.  Rarely delves into niché genres for any considerable length of time.  Likes a challenge, but does not feel obligated to it.  Has a sense for quality.  Prefers immediate gratification over intellectual stimulation.  Loves to play, but doesn't know why.
Usual Genre of Choice - FPS's, Adventure, Action, Sports, RPG.
Do I Apply - Yes.  However, I play best-selling games because they are good, not because they are best-selling.  There are some best-selling games I abstain from.
Are They Hardcore? No, but they think they are.
Closely resembles "The Wannabe", "The Histrionic"
The Competitor
Common Traits - Likes to win, against other players or AI, and seeks out competition in any format.  Prefers balance and solid player interface over audio and visuals.  Plays for the reward of an adrenaline rush, win or lose.  Thoroughly studies strategy guides and practices regularly to gain a competitive edge.  Thinks they can be the best in the world if they just keep trying.
Usual Genre of Choice - FPS's, Fighting, Sports, Racing.
Do I Apply - Yes.  While the advent of online gaming has humbled me into submission, I still like a good competition and generally do whatever I can outside of cheating to win.  I love the rush that comes after a close hard fought match.
Are They Hardcore?  Yes
Closely resembles "The Addict", "The Enthusiast"
The Histrionic
Common Traits - Decides what games to play based on what others are playing, regardless of quality.  Wants people to notice their acheivements.  Avoids single-player quest games which make them feel lonely and isolated.  Not interested in plot, ultimate goal or conclusion to a game.  Prefers point and click simplicity over skillful hand/eye coordination.
Usual Genre of Choice - Facebook Games, Phone Apps, Casual Games.
Do I Apply - Barely.  I have spent a fair amount of time on various Facebook and iPod games, but made a conscious decision to stop and reserve that time for other things.  I still play Word With Friends regularly, though.
Are They Hardcore?  No
Closely resembles "The Mainstreamer", "The Wannabe"
The Wannabe
Common Traits - Plays games because everyone else is doing it.  Not very competitive.  Couldn't care less whether they win or lose.  Doesn't understand technology.  Knows little about the history of gaming.  Spends most of their time playing games when others are involved.  Perceives games as entertainment and not interaction.  Rarely finishes what they start.
Usual Genre of Choice - None
Do I apply - No.  In fact, the wannabe gamer is the rarest of all gamers, but they do exist.  There's nothing wrong with being a wannabe gamer, actually, but they are what they are.
Are They Hardcore?  No
Closely resembles "The Mainstreamer", "The Histrionic"
The Enthusiast
Common Traits - Views games as an artform.  Has a solid understanding of which games they like to play and why.  Is dedicated, but responsible.  Will finish most games they start.  Is interested in the industry as a whole and regularly reads current events.  Enjoys a specific flavor of games, but is open-minded and tries new things.  Likes a good multiplayer challenge, and also a single-player experience.  Refuses to play games that lack in quality.
Usual Genre of Choice - Any
Do I apply - Yes.  This best describes how I currently view games.
Are They Hardcore?  Yes, but they won't admit it.
Closely resembles "The Competitor", "The Intellectual"
The Addict
Common Traits - Plays games so much that their well-being suffers.  Purchases games, DLC, and other game related material in favor of daily life necessities with no concept of a budget.  Commonly discovers analogies between reality and their favorite game.  Unbeknownst to them, games are more an escape than entertainment.  Also applies to addicted gamblers.
Usual Genre of Choice - MMO's, Poker, Blackjack, and other games of chance for money.
Do I Apply - Yes.  At one point gaming was more an obsession than a hobby for me, but has since changed.  I also like to gamble, mainly poker, but I never went overboard with that and kept it to smaller stakes.
Are They Hardcore? Yes, to a fault.
Closely resembles "The Competitor"
The Intellectual
Common Traits - Appreciates the problem-solving, intellectual aspect of games.  Will spend hours on one puzzle while refusing to reference a solution in cheats or walkthroughs.  Prefers plot and substance over speed and agility, and openly admits it.  Avoids multiplayer unless turn-based strategy is involved.  Mutes indignant voice chat without hesitation.
Usual Genre of Choice - Puzzle, RPG, Strategy, Board Games.
Do I apply - Sometimes.  I can become deeply invested in a high quality RPG or puzzle game, but generally stick to more action oriented games.  I do, however, play the heck out of Words With Friends.
Are They Hardcore?  Yes
Closely resembles "The Enthusiast"

Comments (8)

  • Chucky_Chesus
  • Enthiusiast

    Posted: Nov 08, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Chucky_Chesus
    To be honest though, I do feel like that's where I fit but all the rest seem bad. haha 
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  • j0spehB
  • Enthusiast

    Posted: Nov 09, 2011 12:00AM PST by  j0spehB
    Yeh, i think im a most like the enthusiast, though my choice of games is more like the intellectual - but i do check walkthroughs when i get utterly stuck. I also have periods of the Addict, but with buying games instead of gambling. Ill buy a shit load of games because i suppose im bored, then i dont hvae money for food/clothes and never really get the time to play the games i bought.
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  • Lagransiete
  • Enthusiast

    Posted: Nov 09, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Lagransiete
    Fuck, I thought I was going to be original, but no, I had to be the third enthusiast...
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  • BrokenH
  • Dave

    Posted: Nov 09, 2011 12:00AM PST by  BrokenH
    Eh, I think most of us fluctuate through many of these at any given time. You should have added "Dinosaur" though. Aka a person that goes back to playing games on their pc from 2004 or earlier. lol. I'm officially a "Dinosaur" at present!
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  • San_Andreas
  • .....

    Posted: Nov 09, 2011 12:00AM PST by  San_Andreas
    ....I'm definitely under the "enthusiast" category, and probably an "intellectual". I used to be an "addict", but over time, life and a shifting of personal interests have moderated that somewhat. I can still be an addict if something comes along that I just absolutely love, or even if I'm playing certain among my favorite games.

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  • Ogilvy2
  • Enthusiast

    Posted: Nov 09, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Ogilvy2
    Love the breakdown of each segment. Nice post!
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  • ActivisionStoleMy360
  • Former Addict now Enthusiast

    Posted: Nov 09, 2011 12:00AM PST by  ActivisionStoleMy360
    I was an addict, played WoW like you would not believe, and was completely blind to the diminishing quality. As I moved out of the MMO territory I realized that games are expensive and became the "Snob"(maybe thats more like it), I read constantly about games and the industry (though I can't draw to save mylife) and view games with "awe" probably because as an artistic medium and constantly mesmorized by the creative abilities of game designers and artists.
    I am very tough on the quality of the games I play, even keep a notebook of issues I find in games and possible mechanical resolutions (yes, not artistic, however very mathematically enclined). I dare say I will go out on a limb when prices drop and try games that have "questionable quality" due to what i've read to look at specific game mechanics I find fascinating, a "diamond in the rough" i suppose would be the proper metaphor.
    I do tend to finish every game I get ( as well as I can) I view games as an investment in my entertainment (did I mention I'm an accountant), and I know quality games will offer hours of entertainment to those who seek to maximize the experience put forward by the developers. While some games can be rushed to the end, to truly experience the full vision of the developer, one should look no further to the additional game play that is optional, and understand that the optional game play really completes the game. Its like a good piece of apple pie, its the ice cream that truly enchances the taste and experience :p
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  • Xcite79
  • The definition of hardcore.

    Posted: Nov 09, 2011 12:00AM PST by  Xcite79
    The definition is intensely loyal and or stubborn, resistant to improvement and change.
    Now I have always considered myself hardcore as I was a kid. I think of it as what the definition implies as someone who is intensly loyal and I am to video games. That is why I consider myself a hardcore gamer. What makes someone intensely loyal? I see it as someone who is always up to date on gaming news and plays games regularly.
    It started getting a bad rap when people were implying the resistant part of being hardcore gamer to those against the Wii because it implied change. Something they were stubborn off. I admit. I wasn't and still am not a big fan of motion controls but I will not be lumped in those that degraded the Wii.

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